

Några av våra samarbetspartners bloggar om IT m.m

Software development for fintech startups – what you need to know.

Software development in Sri Lanka continues for numerous industries and business volumes, fintech has paved its own unique path among development teams in the country. Apart from catering to numerous local clientele, IT outsourcing companies in Sri Lanka are building high-performance applications for leading international names in the industry.

As a software development company in Sri Lanka, EFutures has been able to observe the evolution of the trade in the country, together with the trends that shape the very same. Fintech is no exception.

Real Estate; An Immersive Experience with VR

 Virtual Reality could be the most essential tool that real estate trade need

Virtual Reality (VR) separates users from physical reality and through immersive technology, allows them to interact with a digital environment. This technology advancement has invaded every industry, and real estate is no exception. 

The ins and outs of trading software development – and how it can impact your business.

Assoftware outsourcing in Asiaskyrockets due to its highly affordable and innovative nature, businesses across every industry and size are more and more confident about trusting offshore services to fulfil their technology needs.Stock trading software developmentis no exception, as fintech businesses both large and small are turning to technology agencies around the world to build products that their customers will find valuable.

UX Design Trends in 2020

With the dawn of 2020, we decided to take a step back and look at the past ten years to visualize what this year and the future hands instore for us. During this time the internet has truly changed and reshaped how we interact and coexist with technology in our everyday life. We have witnessed change and seen the reign of mobile, the introduction of a chatbot, AR and VR. 

A few tips from us on how to scale an app as an MVP gains traction

 Building an app and scaling it to millions of users is tough. As any seasoned developer knows, there is a lot that can go wrong, which is why it is always better to follow an iterative approach starting with an MVP (minimum viable product). 

Back to the Basics: The Software Development Lifecycle

The topic of building software was always an intricate one – way before disruptions induced by COVID-19 set in. From keeping all stakeholders happy, to ensuring security remained tight, much needs to be considered in order to call success to a piece of software.


EFutures is a software product engineering company that develops innovative software for start-ups and other businesses, co-founded by Chief Executive Prashan Nagendra and Rishen Fernando in 2000.

Därför har svenska företag upptäckt att Sri Lanka passar för offshore inom mjukvaruutveckling

Mest känt för sina teodlingar, nationalparker och härliga stränder, Sri Lanka uppvisar även en annan sida.

Landet har fått uppmärksamhet för den växande tillgången på kompetens inom IT.

Different types of healthcare software, and how to build the right system for your practice

As healthcare software development has drastically been increasing following an equal rise in demand, clinical practices the world over have been busy trying to treat vast numbers of patients, while keeping costs at a minimum. The industry of software outsourcing in Asia, while being at the forefront of developing software across numerous industries, has also seen a subsequent rise in demand for healthcare software development. 


När du fokuserar på att skapa en helt ny digital närvaro eller uppgradera din befintliga finns det många variabler du behöver tänka på. När allt kommer omkring är faktorer som design, skalbarhet och användaruppfattningar avgörande för den totala framgången för din webbplats och mobilapplikation.

Paradisön som förvandlats till ett techcentrum

Artikel i Breakit 31 januari 2020

Ändlösa stränder, azurblått vatten – och techbolag i världsklass.
Va? Det där sista kan väl inte stämma?

Jo, det gör det faktiskt! När Sri Lanka kommer på tal tänker nog de flesta Breakit-läsare på paradisön som blivit en stor favorit bland svenska resenärer.

Men bara ett stenkast från surfarna, som vallfärdar till ön för att fånga de legendariska vågorna, har en annan sida av landet vuxit fram: IT Sri Lanka, som förser västerländska företag med hög kompetens både på den tekniska och ekonomiska fronten.

”Allt fler företag börjar förstå att Sri Lanka fungerar som en regional hubb. Istället för att knacka på i New Delhi går det anlita företag på Sri Lanka. Utbildningsnivån är den högsta i Sydasien, och en startup-kultur håller just nu på att blomma upp. Det är en riktig boom som håller på att ske”, säger Leif I Ohlson, grundaren av företaget Best of Sri Lanka. 

Hans kärleksrelation med paradisön inleddes under brinnande inbördeskrig. När Leif, då anställd i Försvarsmakten, 2005 kom till Sri Lanka första gången, rasade striderna mellan regeringstrupper och gerillan. 

Leif utsattes själv för ett attentat, då en bomb placerad i hans bil detonerade..

”En utbrytargrupp från gerillan ville ha mig bort från ön, men som tur var befann jag mig inte i närheten av bilen när den exploderade”, berättar han.

2009 förklarades kriget över i och med att regeringstrupperna hade tagit kontroll över hela landet. Trots de traumatiska upplevelserna hade Leif förälskat sig i den före detta brittiska kolonin. Han blev kvar, och har sedan 2014 ägnat sig åt att stärka relationerna mellan Sri Lanka och Norden. En av hjärtefrågorna är att få utländska teknikföretag att upptäcka kompetensen som finns på ön. För Leif kommer nyttan från två håll: Han hjälper svenska företag, samtidigt som ekonomin på Sri Lanka stärks.

”Vi pratar inte om resurser, utan vi ser istället människorna. När jag ser hur de anställda på de här företagen växer och tar sig ut i världen tack vare affärssamarbeten känns det oerhört positivt. Det handlar inte om ett biståndsarbete, men effekten blir liknande.”

Men i sitt arbete med att främja Sri Lanka som ett lämpligt land för outsourcing möts han ofta av okunskap.

Colombo Sri Lanka

”Det finns väldigt många fördomar kring IT-företag i den här regionen. Sri Lanka klumpas hela tiden ihop med Indien. Många tror att utvecklarna inte kommer förstå projekten, och att alla företag har hög personalomsättning. Men det är väldigt långt ifrån sanningen. Flera svenska företag jag jobbar med har haft samma personal i tre-fyra år i sina team i Colombo”

Enligt Leif håller Sri Lankas IT-företag hög internationell klass. De flesta som jobbar på ön är utbildade i länder som USA och Australien, och är därför generellt sett bättre än svenskar på att prata engelska. Dessutom har företagen en stark integritet.

”Projekten de tar på sig är sådana där de vet att de kan göra ett bra jobb. De är inte bara ja-sägare. Här tänker man långsiktigt och samarbetar med en mängd stora internationella företag. Svenska IFS har sin ”R&D” på ön med 1 400 anställda, London Stock Exchange gör all utveckling på plats. 

Och priset för kompetensen? Mellan en tredjedel och en fjärdedel jämfört med att utveckla i Sverige.

”Företagen tar runt 25-30 dollar i timmen, vilket gör att små och mellanstora företag har mycket att hämta på Sri Lanka. Landet är inte billigast i regionen, men kvaliteten är definitivt högst

Svenska företag blir dessutom väl omhändertagna, och kan ofta ringa vd:n på företaget man outsourcar till en fredagskväll för att fråga hur projektet rullar på. Jag tror inte att det går att göra i samma utsträckning på andra platser i världen.”

”Från Sri Lanka går det också täcka resten av Asien samt både Mellanöstern och delar av Afrika, och tidsskillnaden mot Sverige är bara 3,5 timmar, vilket kan vara bekvämt när man jobbar i projekt ihop.”

För Leif är det viktigt att de svenska företagen han jobbar med får en tydlig bild av Sri Lankas IT-kapacitet. Därför bjuder han ofta in samarbetspartners, så de får uppleva ön på plats.

”Det finns en god infrastruktur i landet. Utländska kodare bor i moderna lägenheter med pool på taket. Många av företagen jag jobbat med har skickat ner sin personal i omgångar, för att lära känna teamen de samarbetar med. Då kan de koda under veckorna och sedan surfa eller vandra i bergen på helgerna. Det är inte många platser i världen där man kan ha det så bra”, avslutar Leif.

The benefits of cloud software development for your business

Software companies in Sri Lanka rely on cloud service providers for undertaking custom software development projects for their clientele. While this isn’t news per se, it is interesting to note the sheer rate of innovation that cloud computing is experiencing, especially in the wake of remote work environments. As distributed teams become the new normal in terms of workspaces, software development companies need to ensure the right systems and tools are in place for optimum and timely delivery.


AWS solutions and similar cloud computing partners make this possible, thanks to their flexible payment models and hosted infrastructure. However, cloud computing offers massive scope via an infinite range of options for even the most common software development tasks, so it’s no wonder that even the most seasoned software development teams are stumped at times. Subsequently, small businesses that are embarking on custom software development for the first time are bound to feel even more overwhelmed, no doubt.


This is why it is useful to know what cloud services can provide your business, as well as how certain tools can be scaled to suit individual project requirements. In this article, we list everything you need to know about cloud software development, as well as a guide on how your business can get started with its very first cloud-based software project.

What is cloud software development?

Cloud software development refers to custom software development that takes place using cloud-based tools such as virtual infrastructure. Such tools can range from servers and virtual machines that most leading cloud storage providers offer, to low-code alternatives such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) or the more popular variant, Software as a Service (SaaS).


Many commonplace tools that are web-based fall under the SaaS umbrella, and chances are that everyone may be reliant on at least one such platform for their day-to-day needs (think Google Workspace or Slack). However, cloud software development focuses more towards tailor-made applications that businesses aim to build for their own unique needs, so every single aspect of the solution is conveniently customised to meet key objectives or address pain points within the business.


At EFutures, cloud software development is precisely what we specialise in; by hiring the best talent and building dedicated teams for our clientele, our custom software development services revolve around scalable hosted infrastructure, while utilising cloud-based tools to build, share and monitor the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) at every step of progress.

Cloud software development: the advantagesRequires no on-premise infrastructure

The lack of having to maintain bulky on-premise infrastructure is by and large one of the biggest advantages of moving to the cloud. With cloud computing, businesses have been spared the hassle of buying, configuring, storing, securing and maintaining heavy on-premise infrastructure such as servers. This same advantage also applies to cloud software development, where development teams need only subscribe to the services they need, in order to hit the ground running. While this amps up the convenience quotient, it also speeds up delivery times and reduces the overall time to market.

Varied service offerings

Cloud service providers don’t just supplant on-premise infrastructure; they are a powerhouse of useful tools that are all easily available under one roof. This means that cloud software development teams need not search among multiple service providers for different tools. Whether it’s configuring simple trigger-based functions or implementing a sophisticated machine learning bot, leading cloud service providers such as AWS and Azure offer these and numerous other services across one flagship subscription.

Pay-as-you-go pricing models

Flexible payment models are another major advantage of cloud software development, and therefore also responsible for the mass adoption of cloud-based services on a commercial scale. Featuring pay-as-you-go payment models that only charge based on units that are consumed, businesses of all sizes realise the potential for significant savings by moving to the cloud. Such cost efficiency further propels smaller businesses to market faster, thereby helping them gain recognition and stay relevant across a fierce marketplace.

Inbuilt security for data protection

With cloud computing, software development teams need not worry about monitoring on-site servers on a round-the-clock basis; this is all done by the service provider as part of the price that is paid. Whether your cloud software development team is based in-house or is part of an external agency, on-premise infrastructure, if opted for, requires 24/7 surveillance in the interest of maintaining tight security.


With cloud computing, this is now undertaken by the service provider, so software development teams need only to practise good password management principles in order to keep their precious data and accounts safe - while being free to focus on tasks that demand their skills and competencies.


Inbuilt failovers in case of data loss

Similar to round-the-clock security monitoring for hosted infrastructure, cloud service providers also maintain geo-redundancy for the purpose of keeping multiple backups of your data. In the event of data loss, your data is sure to remain accessible, thereby offering high rates of uptime. While stringent security can also be maintained privately for on-premise servers, leading cloud service providers execute the very same on a much grander scale - therefore delivering strong protection from external threats and data loss.

How to implement cloud software development for your businessEnsure your software development team is also on the same page

Considering the expansive proliferation of cloud computing, it is likely that your business is already performing cloud software development, especially if it has been building and using custom software. However, it is still worthwhile to check in with your software development team every now and then to discuss any possible areas of improvement, either via implementing any innovative tools or by fine-tuning current subscriptions in the interest of maximising savings. This can be done by meeting at least once a month to identify trends in costs and usage while discussing any new or improved tools and the potential these may bring if implemented.


AI-powered workflow automation is a prime example, where bots can offer intelligent recommendations to automate repetitive tasks, parse data and even generate replies to messages so that teams can eliminate any error or downtime that may arise out of manual intervention. Of course, implementing such tools can be done both within your cloud software development process, as well as in the application that is being built, thereby giving businesses a two-pronged advantage.

Build a roadmap, complete with timelines

A roadmap that is built, shared and maintained over a cloud-based platform is an easy and affordable option for businesses of all sizes, in order to ensure optimum transparency across teams. This way, every team member is aware of their roles and responsibilities towards the project, while being aware of deadlines. Convening once again on a regular basis can help project managers or scrum masters shift priorities or re-assign tasks depending on the client’s feedback so that every milestone is geared to meet end business goals and KPIs.

Stay Agile and iterate as you go

Cloud software development that’s Agile further spearheads the delivery of functionalities that are valuable for user engagement, and therefore lucrative for your business. Whether it’s by using a SaaS project management platform or a variety of hosted services to build and run code, cloud-based services streamline software performance to enable business excellence in terms of CX, usability and subsequently, revenue. With scalability being a key advantage for any kind of cloud service, software development teams and businesses alike now have the autonomy to shift gears by re-calibrating their applications to meet fluctuations in demand, onboard a new product or even move to a completely new domain with incredible speed and precision.

Don’t forget technical debt

Technical debt is an often overlooked yet crucial aspect of any software development project, as even the smallest of software development endeavours is bound to collect technical debt with the lapse of time. Whether it’s duplicated data or a disparate array of components, technical debt also needs some attention on a regular basis by reorganising and decluttering where needed, so your application, while being presentable to your audiences on the outside, is now also aligned and integrated on the inside. Apart from streamlining the flow of data and alleviating duplication, resolving technical debt also helps reduce costs and improve overall application performance.

In conclusion…

Cloud software development welcomes much versatility as well as the autonomy to innovate by implementing emerging trends into your software, so your customers are always on the receiving end of products and services that they find valuable. Heavily impacted by technologies such as AI, cloud software development still stands true to its evergreen advantages, such as the convenience of not having to maintain bulky on-site infrastructure, while paying only for services used on an ad-hoc basis.


So, whether your software development team has already been making use of cloud services to custom-build applications or is still new to the space, your business stands to gain a dynamic advantage thanks to a constant stream of new tools and technologies that are available for adoption.